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What's Premarital Counseling All About?

Taylor Svetlichny

You’ve been working hard to plan a beautiful wedding celebration for you and your fiancé, and are excited about the future you will have together. But you desire more than a day of celebration; you want a happy and healthy marriage, built on a solid foundation of understanding, trust, and communication. If this resonates with you, premarital counseling would be a great way to enhance your relationship.

Photo by Taylor White Photography
Photo by Taylor White Photography

What is premarital counseling?

Premarital counseling is a therapy type that is centered around helping you prepare for marriage. Through the process of premarital counseling, you will learn more about yourself and your partner, and have meaningful conversations about topics such as, but not limited to: kindness & flexibility, conflict resolution, emotional readiness, sexual satisfaction, family background, relational aggression, relationship quality, attachment, effective communication, and relationship effort.

Why should I do premarital counseling?

Premarital counseling will provide you a space to communicate about desires and expectations for your marriage and intentionally discuss areas in which you may disagree. Having these conversations will set you up for more positive communication and conflict-resolution skills and will equip you with greater understanding and insight that may enhance marital satisfaction. You and your partner will be more on the same page, ready to support one another during marriage.

What can you expect from premarital counseling with me?

You will come in for your first session, in which we will talk a little bit about your current relationship, your personal relationship history, what the future looks like for you and your fiancé, and become familiar with the process of premarital counseling.

Before your second session, you will be asked to complete a relationship assessment separately that details your view about your relationship, each other, and many different subjects pertaining to marriage and life together. Once these are completed, I will review your results and help to identify strength and growth areas.

During your next three or more sessions, we will go over the synthesis of your assessment together, discussing your strength areas and identifying areas in which you can grow as a couple as you step into your future together. This should not be a scary or confrontational process, but rather one of insight and understanding, in order to build a strong foundation from which to start your marriage.

Wedding couple, premarital counseling
Photo by Taylor White Photography

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